Experienced Security and HR Expert Available for In-Depth Interview
Topics: Expert Witness (multiple security- and HR-related areas of expertise) Workplace Violence Background Checks/Screening EEOC and FCRA Expert Homicide Expert: Steven C. Millwee, CEO SecurTest Inc., iReviewNow Biography: Mr. Millwee specializes in workplace violence prevention and intervention, EEOC and FRCA issues for hiring managers, crisis management, employee training to defuse the potential for workplace violence or employment liability. He has testified as an expert witness in the fields of workplace violence, negligent hiring, retention, screening, security, polygraph, and police procedures. He is a crisis management consultant to many corporations, conducting violence and threat assessments. Previously, Mr. Millwee was the lead detective in the Unsolved Murder Unit of the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office in Tampa, Florida. He was responsible for all murder investigations that remained unsolved for more than six months. Mr. Millwee formerly was with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington D.C. He served in law enforcement seven years. Media Experience: Mr. Millwee has written numerous papers, and has been quoted in a myriad of publications. The author of The Threat From Within: Workplace Violence, he is the former chairman and president of ASIS International and has been interviewed by many mainstream and trade publications. Contact: Steven C. Millwee, CPP at Phone: 800-445-8001or 813-310-0670 - media@securtest.com Member, Professional Background Screening Association, formerly NAPBS
Member, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
Life Member, ASIS International - Board Certified in Security Management (CPP)
Member, Better Business Bureau Accredited Business A+ Rating
BBB National Programs Dispute Resolution Process
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