Accurate and transparent screening that keeps HR executives out of court
and away from the crosshairs of the EEOC and FCRA

Athens, GA (Mar. 7, 2012) – As an HR decision-maker, is it wise to hire an ex-con and risk a negligent-hiring suit, or is it safer to pass them over and risk claims of hiring discrimination? Every day, HR managers must walk this hiring tightrope. A new patent helps employers and applicants.

With workplace-violence incidents on the rise, HR departments are sensitive about protecting employees and their company’s brand by not hiring individuals with a past. Yet, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is vigorously pursuing large and small companies for utilizing blanket hiring policies against ex-offenders, resulting in multi-million-dollar settlements. Moreover, the Federal Trade Commission governing the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) has increased its scrutiny of employers and background-screening companies that do not make reports available to consumers in real time or do not allow consumers to authenticate or dispute their reports before adverse hiring or retention decisions can be made. HR professionals’ and legal counsel’s frustration on how to mitigate these conflicting risks has resulted in the U.S. Patent Office issuing a patent for the most sophisticated and cutting-edge solution—iReviewNow®.

iReviewNow is the only system that ensures accuracy, transparency, and compliance with all federal and state laws. This patented system allows applicants to see their report at the same time as the employer, giving them the necessary time to authenticate their report to ensure accuracy. It also considers the gravity of the convictions, time passed since the conviction and completion of the sentence, the nature of the job in consideration, any admissions by the applicant that detail the facts, and any rehabilitation efforts or other factors that an employer would otherwise never learn. The tracking system documents that the applicant, employee, or consumer is treated fairly.

“The ‘when in doubt, keep them out,’ approach of the past is a sure way to court,” says Steven Millwee, inventor of the system, CEO and founder of SecurTest, and a former FBI and law-enforcement professional. “iReviewNow creates a new paradigm for background screening because it allows the consumer to take ownership of and responsibility for his past, identify the lessons learned, and show the steps taken toward rehabilitation,” says Millwee. “The final report will now provide necessary context and relevance, giving HR executives deeper insight needed to comply with the EEOC, FCRA, and various court decisions. No company wants to become the next Pepsi, which in January agreed to pay the EEOC a $3.13 million settlement because of its background-screening policies.”

SecurTest, the only provider of iReviewNow, was recently named one of the top background-screening companies in 2011 on HRO Today’s exclusive “Baker’s Dozen” list. This honor, along with an expanding client base, which includes the US Military, proves that SecurTest is quickly becoming the de-facto standard for HR professionals. iReviewNow mitigates, if not eliminates, the risks and claims of discrimination or violation of federal or state laws regarding consumer reports.

About SecurTest
Since 1978, SecurTest has been the leading provider of accurate background reports and biographical questionnaires, both of which give employers the facts they need to make wise hiring choices. iReviewNow helps identify quality applicants, employees, vendors, government clearances, and consumers, while helping companies mitigate risks and navigate challenging EEOC and FCRA regulations. For more information on iReviewNow, please visit or call 800-445-8001.

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